Did you know tampons are more dangerous than guns now?

Random Observations of Life

Did you know tampons are more dangerous than guns now? That is according to the great state of Texas, anyway.

I have two daughters who have come to the western world from a patriarchal society not entirely unknown for corruption. Somehow I have to find a way to explain to my daughters that the most powerful nation in the world, the one with the “world’s best democracy that everyone else should adopt” (as they would have us believe) has decided tampons are more dangerous than bullets. Did the security guards leave their glasses at home that day? I know tampons and bullets are a similar shape, but really?

Tampons are white, soft and made of spun cotton (or similar). Yes, most do have a pointy end. Tampons absorb blood – this is a critical point.

Bullets are hard, made of metal, many explode on impact. Bullets usually result in a…

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